About MIT Ashkenazy Book Club
Welcome to MIT Ashkenazy Book Club (MITabc), where the timeless wisdom of Arthur Schopenhauer is reimagined for the dynamic landscape of the 21st century. With over four decades of dedicated research and scholarship, we are enthusiastic about sharing our extensive body of work that delves deep into the profound insights and philosophies of Schopenhauer while exploring their enduring relevance in today's rapidly evolving world.
Our Mission At MITabc,
Our mission is crystal clear: to breathe new life into the works of Arthur Schopenhauer and present his philosophical ideas in a contemporary light. We firmly believe that Schopenhauer's profound reflections on human nature, ethics, aesthetics, and the pursuit of wisdom continue to possess immense value in our modern society. Our unwavering commitment lies in revitalizing his intellectual legacy, making it accessible and meaningful for today's diverse and inquisitive audience.
What We Offer [coming soon]
At MIT Ashkenazy Book Club, we are dedicated to providing you with a rich tapestry of works, including:
"The World as You Measure It"
     • "Volume Θ: Theological Dimensions"
     • "Volume Φ: Philosophical & Physical Dimensions"
     • "Volume Ψ: Psychological Dimensions," Tome I & Tome II"
"Schopenhauer's Vision in Verse: Books 3 and 4 Reimagined"
Thank you for visiting MITabc.net. We are excited about the intellectual journey ahead and look forward to embarking on it with you.